Cats, Rats, and Baby Cattle Dogs

If there is a country music singer out there who can pick a guitar and carry a tune, we can turn this into a new country music song…

Adorable Sisters, Mayflower and Pilgrim

Baby cattle dogs have the most adorable personalities…filling their hours with exploration, learning, altering things they don’t agree with, and just having an enormous amount of fun.  They are bright and intelligent, full of mischief and smarter than the average human.  That is exactly why they are deeply loved by some, but dumped to fend for themselves by others.  The “others” cannot handle them.

Mayflower and Pilgrim, sisters pictured above, were abandoned, probably by a human who did not appreciate their cattledogness…brand new word for the day.  They are a cattle dog mix, but just as smart and lively as the pure cattle dogs that work for a living.  Help us spread the word and find homes (or ONE home) for these exceptional companions who treat every day as a GIFT and have a ZEST for life like no other!