Brownie is in need of help !

BrownieThis puppy is about 5 months old. She has been chained to a tree for most of her short life. One day she got out of her collar, ran into the road, and got hit by a car. Her back legs were broken. The family who owned her just tied her back to the tree again….no help, no trip to the vet, she’s not worthy. She’s just a dog.

We think she is VERY WORTHY, so we are trying to get her help. We need a foster home for Brownie, where she can experience love and compassion. We need donations to cover her vet bills while she is in foster care. And we need to make the laws more strict on people who treat their animals so cruelly in Alabama.

Let’s make Brownie’s first Christmas be a wonderful one for her, and try to make the world a better place for the other pets in need. If you would like to send a tax-deductible donation to help Brownie, you can use our Paypal link or send a check to:

A New Leash on Life, Inc.
P.O. Box 221
Brownsboro, AL 35741