Happy 7th Birthday ANLOL!

What do you get in return for 7 years of rescue?

Thousands of sweet puppy dog and kitty cat faces along the way, and a few mean little ones, too!

Millions of unwanted pet lives prevented.

So many chosen ones adopted to their own families.

Many heartaches, headaches, sleepless nights, and defeats.

More triumphs, happy tears, and celebrations of LIFE!

Unhappy, but forgiving, husbands…or wives…or partners.

Lessons on humility, courage, perseverance, faith, and UNCONDITIONAL LOVE!

Memories of helping our fellow creatures on this earth to have a better life.

Working with people who like animals better than you.

Working with animals who like animals better than you.

Knowing you have been there for animals who had no chance without you.

Rescue is only a place of comfort to those who know in their hearts that there is no other way to do what is right.  Thanks to all who rescue.

ANLOL volunteers…SPECIAL doesn’t begin to describe who you are.  Happy 7 years!
